Profesionalisme, Kompetensi Guru, Dinas Pendidikan Jawa BaratAbstract
Professionalism in the learning process should be a must
fulfilled for teachers in teaching. Many of these criticisms have been made by some parties,
it is something that is natural to be addressed wisely and wisely by interested parties. Where
The concept of a professional teacher will always be associated with knowledge of insight and knowledge
education policy, learning and learning theory, educational research (classroom action), evaluation
learning, educational leadership, classroom/school management, and technology
information and communication. For this reason, the role of the teacher is very demanded in determining the business
improving the quality of formal education. It means that gum which is a learning agent must be able to
organize the learning process as well as possible, in supporting development
education. Therefore, teachers need to be developed as a dignified profession, such as:
what is mandated in Permandinas No. 16 of 2007 concerning Academic Qualification Standards
and Teacher Competency dated May 4, 2007. Where it is stated that teacher competency standards
developed as a whole from four main competencies, namely pedagogic competence, personality,
social and professional. In Law no. 14 of 2005, professional means work or activity
from someone and become a source of income for life that requires expertise, skills, or
skills that meet certain quality standards or norms and require professional education.
Professional is (1) concerned with the profession (field of work based on education)
certain skills); (2) requires special skills to run it; (3) requires that there be
payment for doing so. Problems and challenges in the era of globalization demand improvement
quality of democratization, transparency, quality culture and human rights. IMTAQ development and acceleration
Science and technology requires quality human resources who are able to go international. The free market demands all nations
to prepare quality human resources so as not to depend on other nations. Quality human resources and
able to face international competition, it is only possible through proper education
Meanwhile, Indonesia is a very crucial problem in improving the quality of education
nationally, among others: 1) Mismatched teachers at various levels of education. 2) Lack of equity
teachers in urban and rural areas, particularly in remote areas. 3)Government policy
"zero growth". 4) There is a shortage of teachers. Based on research findings and discussion
In chapter IV there are several conclusions that can be made. This conclusion is the finding of answers from
The objectives and research questions are: 1. Initial identification of needs, as materials for making
planning has not been implemented properly, so it is the main cause of ineffectiveness
the training process organized by the training center, 2 The implementation of the training has not
accommodate the principles of integrated teaching and learning strategies so as to cause concern for
participants.3.Several evaluation models before, during the process, and after the training have not been
well implemented by the training center. The training center has not been able to identify its unmet needs. So that the training center does not know the opportunities that have not been
utilized, training centers are less able to use information sources that can be used to
achieve the training program, and also the Balai has not been able to assess the weaknesses and strengths
training program
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