INTEGRATIF |Jurnal Magister Pendidikan Agama Islam 2024-03-31T17:03:14+07:00 Dede Aji Mardani Open Journal Systems <p>Integratif adalah Jurnal Magister pendidikan agama islam pada institute Agama Islam Tasikmalaya. Menerima berbagai manuskrif dari dosen, peneliti, mahasiswa yang konsen pada masalah pendidikan. Ruang lingkup dari jurnal ini adalah maslah pendidikan Islam, pendidikan dasar, menengah dan tinggi, kurikulum , kebijakan merdeka belajar , pendidikan inklusif serta pendidikan berkelanjutan. Jurnal ini terbit dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan September dan Maret.</p> <p><strong>ISSN: <a href="">2963-3540</a></strong></p> IMPLIKASI POLA ASUH STRAWBERRY GENERATION TERHADAP PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER ANAK MENURUT PERSPEKTIF ISLAM 2024-03-31T15:49:39+07:00 Abdul Haris <p>The purpose of this study is to analyze the problems related to parenting patterns of parents towards children, which make them a strawberry generation or strawberry generation and its implications for children's character according to an Islamic perspective. Then provide solutions with Islamic educational values and parenting patterns or methods of educating children in Islam so that children have good character or morals, are tough and become a reliable next generation. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods and data collection techniques of literature and document studies. The results of this study reveal that the phenomenon of character crisis in the strawberry generation era occurs because of the wrong parenting patterns and character education at home is not carried out properly and correctly. The process of character education in Islam towards children can be through several ways, namely through exemplary, habituation, wise advice, attention and supervision and punishment.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Haris ANALISIS AL-QUR’AN SURAT AL-HUJURAT [49]:13 SEBAGAI KRITIK TERHADAP DISKRIMINASI PENDIDIKAN PEREMPUAN 2024-03-31T16:22:09+07:00 Rifyal Luthfi <p>Merupakan masalah yang kerap terjadi di kalangan manusia diseluruh dunia. Diskriminasi adalah perlakuan tidak seimbang terhadap perorangan atau kelompok, berdasarkan sesuatu, biasanya bersifat kategorial atau atribut-atribut khas, seperti berdasarkan ras, kesukuan bangsa, agama atau keanggotaan kelas-kelas sosial. Realitas keterbelakangan kaum perempuan menjadi sebab utama terjadinya perlakuan diskriminasi. Karenanya salah satu kunci untuk memecahkan persoalan ini adalah dengan pendidikan. Karena pendidikan merupakan salah satu jalan untuk seseorang dalam meningkatkan kualitas ketaqwaannya.Salah satu kondisi yang relavan di sini adalah data sejarah perempuan pra-Islam di Arab. Di mana posisi perempuan menempati wilayah yang sangat terpuruk. Setiap anak perempuan yang lahir dianggap aib dan harus dibunuh. Dalam kondisi demikian, Islam lahir seorang pahlawan. Tatanan sosial yang sudah mendarah daging itu didekonstruksi dengan menuansakan nafas-nafas profetis. Masalah yang timbul akibat masih adanya diskriminasi pendidikan terhadap perempuan salah satunya ialah kurangnya pengetahuan, pemahaman juga pengamalan terhadap isi kandungan Al-Qur’an surat Al-Hujurat [49]:13. Citra perempuan dalam Al-Qur’an sebenarnya tidak cukup hanya menelaah tema ayat-ayat yang ada di dalam Al-Qur’an, tetapi juga harus melacak sejarah tersembunyi dibalik ayatayat itu. Dengan berupaya mendeskripsikan data-data historis baik itu pra-Islam (masa jahiliyah) sampai sekarang. Langkah ini merupakan sebuah usaha untuk merujukkan ayat-ayat itu dengan konteksnya.Kebiasaan orang memandang kemuliaan itu selalu ada sangkut pautnya dengan kebangsaan dan kekayaan. Padahal menurut pandangan Allah orang yang mulia adalah orang yang paling bertakwa kepada-Nya. Sehingga orang memandang bahwa pendidikan merupakan sesuatu yang urgen baik untuk laki-laki maupun perempuan. Hanya dengan pendidikan seseorang mempunyai pengetahuan dalam meningkatkan ketaqwaan kepada-Nya. Sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam Al-Qur’an surat Al-Hujurat ayat 13 bahwa manusia di sisi Allah adalah sama, yang membedakannya ialah ketaqwaan terhadap-Nya.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Rifyal Luthfi IIMPLEMENTASI KEGIATAN DZIKIR PAGI DAN PETANG DAN PERANNYA DALAM MEMBENTUK KECERDASAN SPIRITUAL SANTRI PONDOK PESANTREN (Penelitian Pada Santri Pondok Pesantren Persatuan Islam Al-Amin Sindangkasih Kab. Ciamis) 2024-03-31T16:27:54+07:00 kholis <p>Education is still a public conversation today, seeing various issues of public unrest with the decline in the <br>quality of the younger generation, the globalization era which should have a good influence but in reality it has a <br>bad impact, one of the causes is the lack of spiritual and spiritual education for the younger generation, so a <br>habituation of an activity to shape children's spirituality is carried out in boarding school institutions that can <br>have a positive impact on students. The purpose of this study was to determine the implementation of morning <br>and evening dhikr at Persis Al Amin Islamic Boarding School in shaping the spiritual intelligence of students as <br>well as the supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of morning and evening dhikr. This research <br>uses a descriptive qualitative method approach. The results of the study are 1) The implementation of morning <br>and evening dhikr at Pesantren Persis Al Amin is carried out every day in the morning and evening. The stages <br>of implementation are first reading the Ayat kursi, Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, An-as, both morning and evening <br>prayers. The habituation of morning and evening dhikr consistently aims to shape the spirituality of students as <br>a rabbani generation. 2) The behavior of students before the morning and evening dhikr has low spirituality, as <br>evidenced by the fact that there are still students who are lazy to worship, emotional, anxious, do not understand <br>the meaning of life, ambitious, and behavior below reasonable limits. But the spiritual condition of the students <br>changed after implementing the morning and evening dhikr. They become calm, patient when facing trials and <br>become obedient to Allah. Always remembering Allah in everything they do, especially in seeking knowledge. <br>3) The implementation of morning and evening dhikr activities at Pesantren Persis Al Amin has supporting and <br>inhibiting factors, among the supporting factors are the existence of morning and evening dhikr books <br>distributed by pesantren for students, making it easier to implement morning and evening dhikr to encourage <br>students to read morning and evening dhikr, and the participation of ustadz in the implementation of morning and evening dhikr. While the inhibiting factor is the delay of the ustadz so that the implementation is delayed, <br>the facilities that are not good for the implementation of morning and evening dhikr, and the obstacles of <br>students who do not participate in activities</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 kholis Upaya Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur’an Peserta Didik Melalui Metode Menghafal (Penelitian Di SMPIT Tahfidzul Qur’an Ihya As-Sunnah Tasikmalaya 2024-03-31T16:24:16+07:00 Dede Aji Mardani Imas Siti Masuroh <p>This problem is motivated by the fact that many students experience difficulties in learning <br>religion, especially in learning to read and memorize the Qur'an, but this difficulty is not yet <br>known with certainty the causal or inhibiting factors that make students experience difficulties in <br>reading the Qur'an. This research aims to find out: 1) the implementation of the teacher's efforts in <br>improving the ability to read and memorize the Qur'an at SMPIT Tahfidzul Qur'an Ihya As-sunnah <br>Tasikmalaya. 2) supporting and inhibiting factors for the implementation of reading and <br>memorization at SMPIT Tahfidzul Qur'an Ihya As-sunnah Tasikmalaya. 3) This research uses <br>qualitative methods, research that bases its analysis not derived from statistical calculations. Data <br>obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis used is depenelitiantif <br>analysis. The results showed that, The process of implementing the pakistani method in <br>memorizing the Qur'an at SMPIT Tahfidzul Qur'an Ihya As-sunnah Tasikmalaya by using the <br>pakistani method or better known as the sabaq, sabqi, and manzil method has gone well even <br>though it is still not perfect. this shows that through the pakistani method (sabaq, sabqi, manzil) <br>students are more active, enthusiastic and focused on what the teacher teaches.<br><br></p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dede Aji Mardani KONSEP PENDIDIKAN MULTIKULTURALISME PERSPEKTIF MAQASHID SYARI’AH UNTUK PENGUATAN PROFIL PELAJAR PANCASILA 2024-03-31T15:58:53+07:00 Asep Munir <p>Religious multiculturalism awareness is needed in society in order to realize interfaith harmony. However, the formation of such awareness faces challenges in the form of conflicts of values and beliefs between groups. The purpose of this research is to identify solutions to value conflicts within the framework of forming awareness of religious multiculturalism from the maqashid shari'ah perspective. The research method used in this analytical paper is a bibliometric study that refers to the principles developed in the two disciplines of Maqashid Shariah and Multicultural Education. The results of the analysis show that the reconstruction of an inclusive religious education curriculum is a strategic solution, by incorporating the values of tolerance, justice and equality as the foundation of multicultural education. In conclusion, the formation of multicultural-religious awareness through an inclusive curriculum can minimize value conflicts. This requires the cooperation of relevant stakeholders in its implementation. Further research is recommended to evaluate the effectiveness of the inclusive curriculum implementation in fostering moderate tolerance from the maqashid shari'ah perspective.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Asep Munir HURUF MA’ANI DAN MASALAH DALALAH (Penelitian Pendidikan tentang Kalimah sifat Ketuhanan Pembuktian dengan Pancaindra) 2024-03-31T15:47:33+07:00 Dedi Ratno <p>If a letter indicates the meaning of another sentence, it is called a maani letter, and this rule is what has been formulated by nahwu scholars. The study of maani letters has a strong connection to understanding the meaning and basic legal basis of the Quranic text by means of ijtihad or ta'wil. This is because many legal arguments and fiqh issues depend on the meaning of the text through the wasilah dalalah (simantics) determined by the letters of the text. Not only limited to the study of tafsir and lughoh, ma'ani letters that have various dalalah also contribute significantly to the development of other sciences such as Ushul fiqh, aqidah, fiqh, and sharia science or Islamic law in general. This has led to endless debates between the schools of fiqh and aqidah. Seeing the importance of this study, the urgency of studying the science of dalalah and all that is related to lughoh is a prevalence. To understand the intent and purpose of sharia law from the Arabic texts of the Quran, Sunnah and the ijtihad of previous scholars.</p> 2024-03-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Dedi Ratno