Analisis Pemahaman Guru Terkait Karater Entrepreneur Anak Usia Dini


  • Ajang Ramdani IAI Tasikmalaya



The purpose of this study is to obtain an in-depth picture of the teacher's understanding of
the entrepreneurial character in early childhood education. This research is motivated by
the emergence of social and cultural views that children are seen as less competent in
solving problems and making decisions in their own environment. In fact, children have a
strong curiosity about everything around them and have an entrepreneurial spirit. The data
collection technique is done through interviews. The subjects in this study were ECE
teachers in the City and District of Tasikmalaya. The data analysis used is qualitative data
analysis with thematic techniques. The results showed that the teacher's understanding of
the entrepreneurial character can be described through the teacher's perception of
entrepreneurial learning, the level of importance/urgency of entrepreneurship learning
according to the teacher, the implementation of entrepreneurial learning and
entrepreneurial learning activities that have been carried out in their respective
institutions. Thus, there is a need for policies that can facilitate and help teachers to
develop professionalism, especially in entrepreneurial learning. So that entrepreneurial
learning can be structured holistically as an integrated learning in the ECE curriculu





